The Sun

The Sun card holds bright, playful images: a giant sun with eleven currents shooting from its core, a child with arms outstretched riding an unsaddled horse, a red banner waving through the sky, sunflowers in the form of a crown circling the child’s head, a red feather, four other sunflowers reside in the background. 

The Sun is a love letter to my creativity, something I have been moving toward for years.

Like many of us, as a child, the inner light we are all born with fades over the course of our lives as we contend with the obstacles that prohibit our ability to love and accept ourselves for who and how we are. According to psychoanalyst D.W. Winnicott, our True Self development is enhanced by a facilitating environment created by the good enough caregiver, an environment which facilitates the child’s spontaneous and authentic expression. Many obstacles can hinder the development of the True Self. Some of these obstacles require a child to conform to beliefs or practices and abandon themselves in order to secure protection from their caregiver. Over time, this kind of disconnection from the self can lead to what Winnicott called the False Self. 

The warmth of the golden sun energizes the child. This energy creates fertile ground for the child to experiment with forms of authentic expression. In essence, The Sun serves as the facilitating environment needed to develop the True Self. 

The Sun calls us to examine what is needed to break through any obstacles that block our ability to love…love ourselves and each other.  For me, this card is an invitation to explore what lights me up, and to move more boldly toward that energy. 


The 8 of Swords